The buyer person is a representation of the ideal client of a company , made from the information we have about our potential clients. This profile will help Jewelry Retouching us to guide our sales actions and better respond to your needs. This is the main information you should include in your buyer persona: Demographic data: age, gender, occupation, income level… Internet use preferences: communication channels and preferred formats, use of Jewelry Retouching social networks, etc. Consumption habits: frequency of purchase, payment methods, purchase online or in person... Needs and problems: the “pain points” that your products or services could solve for them.
4. Identify your competitive advantage Differentiation is a basic pillar of sales strategies. If you want to sell more, you have to offer the market something Jewelry Retouching different. Building on the analysis you've already done, try to think about how you can offer unique value to your potential customers through things like your product and service offerings, your pricing model, or your payment and delivery systems. 5) Set SMART goals All marketing strategies Jewelry Retouching must start from a series of objectives to be achieved, but these must respond to a series of specific characteristics to be really useful. These characteristics are included in the SMART methodology ,
Which states that the objectives must be: Specifics . For example, “sell more” would be too generic and we would have to replace it with Jewelry Retouching something like “increase sales of product range X by 20% during the next quarter”. Measurable . It is necessary to be able to quantify an objective to know if we have achieved it. achievable . The objectives must be realistic taking into account the resources available to us. relevant . The objectives of the sales strategy Jewelry Retouching must be in line with the general business objectives of the company. temporary . To be really useful, a goal must have a specific date of completion.